
Who is John Galt? And who the **** is WrdPlougher?!

At this point, WrdPlougher is only as old as 14 published puzzles published by The Hindu , going by official record. Age, of course, is never a reflection of experience, excellence, or expertise — I’ve lived at least 3 decades in a corporeal body, but I still don’t know if I have so far exhibited any experience, excellence, or expertise that might be worth putting on my CV, or even worth calling up any friends to brag about it to. I suppose that’s why I have a blog instead. But this is WrdPlougher’s blog, and it’s likely that this name may be mentioned often going forward — no, not for self-aggrandisement; no, not even for SEO; and no, not whatsoever because I have the slightest desire to become famous. Any dreams of being recognised for my individual merits were destroyed the day I got bored of being a foetus and took a peek at the big bad world. But it so happens that I have a knack for setting cryptic crossword clues. And the plan is to use this blog as an independent space to give